Affiliate Marketing: The Value Of A Niche?

The Canty Effect - Affiliate Marketing: The Value Of A Niche?

Common Affiliate Marketing Niche Questions:

  • What is affiliate marketing?
  • How much money can I make in affiliate marketing?
  • How long before I see any consistent earnings?
  • What program should I join?

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Knowing the value of a niche in affiliate marketing is relative to succeeding as an online business owner. 

Identifying a prime market to earn from can prove essential to your success.

Drilling down into a segment of the market allows the targeting of a specific audience.

Brazenly delivering valuable content to a group of people willing to consume your articles.

This article will point out the path to reaching a targeted audience.

What Is A Niche In Affiliate Marketing?

In affiliate marketing, a niche is a narrowly targeted segment of the market to promote affiliate product(s) within.

Example of segments are:

  • Budget
  • Culture
  • Customer Interests
  • Demographics
  • Geographics
  • Lifestyle
  • Preferences

Consequently, it is wise the know your audience, which we will discuss later, when selecting the segment of the market that you are targeting.

The Canty Effect - Niche

A customer will not spend beyond their means, well that statement is debatable.

Anyone interested in affiliate marketing can find opportunities for just about every product made and sold.

The market does not suffer from lack of availability. There are approximately 11,400 affiliate programs available.

Moreover, there are potentially hundreds more are added each day.

Ranging from simple everyday household items to high ticket items can be found in one affiliate network or another.

In some instances, affiliates have the option to select products offered directly from a manufacturer or product creator.

By cutting out the middleman, higher commission rates are possible to achieve.

Affiliate marketing has made businesses millions and ordinary people millionaires.

Bo Bennet

Commonly Asked Questions About An Affiliate Marketing Niche

In today’s news, there is a gold-rush style buzz about affiliate marketing. It is coming to a street near you.

The most common question is “what is affiliate marketing?” We address what it is in the previous section.

People often ask “how much money can I make in affiliate marketing?” 

The Canty Effect - Commonly Asked Questions About An Affiliate Marketing Niche

It is a valid question!

You would not accept a job without inquiring about the salary. Well, the same applies here.

Unfortunately, there is no simple answer to that question. The niche, type of products, and commission rate are some factors affecting the income earned.

Yes, there are a number  of 5, 6, and 7 figure earners. Again, there are external conditions that play a role.

Another question is “How long before I see any consistent earnings?” On average, it takes approximately 18 – 36 months to see constant earnings according to the Wealthy Affiliate (WA) training program.

Although you have the potential to shorten that incubation period, I will, take hard work, persistence, and patience to develop a satisfying continuous revenue stream.

Getting rich quick is a television fantasy that one in a million affiliates may realize.  Nonetheless, it still would not be overnight.

Finally, people often ask “what program should I join?” Full disclosure, I am a current member of the WA program.

Needless to say, allow me to serve as your coach, but this is not a push to drive you to WA.


 Find a program the meets you needs, impress you with high level training, and includes the tools (website, tracking system, and support community) necessary to pursue your dreams.

The resources to find the best program are scattered throughout the internet and YouTube.

Niche Marketing Versus Mass Marketing

The master plan behind Mass marketing is to sell to the largest audience possible. Forcing you to compete in a high traffic industry.

Niche marketing is based off of appeal. For example, electrical work as a service is not very specific; however, if you specialize in working on the rewiring of older buildings, you can go after a niche that may be under-served.

The Canty Effect - Niche Marketing Versus Mass Marketing

According to GeekforGeeks, “This type of marketing includes the strategy to target a specified market which means that the marketer is aware of the group on which he has to target for its product.”

It may just be your best opportunity for building a strong foundation for your business.

Remember, where you start (niche) does not have to be where you end. Many high value businesses start small (Apple – started in a garage) and become mega stories.

“The benefit of niche marketing is that it allows brands to differentiate themselves, appear as a unique authority, and resonate more deeply with a distinct set of customers” according to Kim Kosaka.

Mass marketing does not allow you to standout from competitors offering the same types of products.

Standing out provides an ability to look different from your competitors.

The Effectiveness Of A Well Organized Niche Website

The technology behind websites have changed over the past 10 – 15 years. The relevance has changed during that time.

The Canty Effect - The Effectiveness Of A Well Organized Niche Website

Your website is the face of your business. Therefore, the more you put into your website, the greater the return on investment.

That includes:

  • Theme
  • Plugins
  • Content with value
  • Constant maintenance

A theme is group of files that direct the overall appearance of a blog or website. The functionality of your website is totally dependent upon the theme.

Through this functionality, you can control the layout of your website. 

Depending on your needs, a chosen theme may come with functionality associated to your niche that cannot be found any place else.

To add functionality beyond that included within the theme, plugins are software bundles containing a series of functions that are installed to your website.

Build you best!

Plugins offer a easier means to achieve functions without you ever writing a single line of code.

Writing content that offers value to your audience is the primary objective of your website. Without an audience, there is not expectation of earning money.

Keeping your website up-to-date is essential for your success. A malfunctioning website has less value than not have one at all.

Remember, you will have is competition in every corner of the internet. Members in your potential audience could be on the other side of the world.

As soon as your website goes live, you are globally operating your business. There is approximately 5 Billion internet users according to Datareportal.

For example, if your potential audience is 1/1000 of a percent, equals 500 Million potential users available to you.

Whereas, 1/1000 of that could be your potential buyers. At $1 each, over a period of time, would equal $500,000 earned.

Cool Profitable Niche Business Ideas

The Canty Effect - Cool Profitable Niche Business Ideas

Before you can consider profitability, you must be comfortable with your outlay to start and operate your business.

You will probably run in the red until you complete the incubation period. Now, this may not be the case in every niche.

The lower the cost to operate, the greater retention of profits. But that does not mean skimp on your investment.

Braveen Kumar at Shopify has identified “26 Lucrative and Low-Cost Small Business Ideas to Start This Year.”

Kumar includes low-cost opportunities like:

  • Build an audience you can monetize
  • Dropshipping
  • T-Shirt printing
  • Sell your photography
  • Virtual Event Planner
  • Write a book

Your audience is your lifeline!

An example of this in practice is building an audience that you can monetize relates to becoming a social media influencer or sponsored post for brands.

An old man made a fortune collecting and selling bottle tops. There is always someone willing to buy some of the most unconventional things.

With that said, no segment of the market is off limits. No idea is too far fetched to make money.

“Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like hard work.”

Thomas Edison

The master of drop shipping is Jeff Besos and Amazon. Selling products without the headaches that come with fulfillment, billing, and inventory.

Embroidering and screen printing is still a viable business. The outlay for equipment is the largest expense to deal with.

Photographers often sell their photographs through sites like unsplash, shutterstock, and pixabay to name just a few platforms.

Becoming a virtual event planner is another market with potential growth. Serving as a facilitator between clients and venues is an under appreciated market.

Become an author, another low-cost venture is to write a book. Got a story to tell?

Technical, Self-Help, Cookbooks, and more can be easily created and self-published through Amazon, Apple, and other publishing services.

What Is The Makeup of A Niche Audience?

Niche audiences are made up of people with specific needs. These needs can be address with targeted products/services.

The Canty Effect - What Is The Makeup of A Niche Audience?

With the competition being lower, an affiliate can take advantage of a niche audience.

Finding you niche audience can be as simple as evaluating your product(s), who needs it, and why. 

Answering these questions will save you from heartache later. In addition, the reason you audience should buy your product(s) is addressed by theses questions.

Feedback for the audience helps to determine:

  • Demographic
  • Age
  • Region
  • Profession
  • Hobbies
  • Interest
  • Marital status
  • and more

After identifying where your audience is, you ca deploy clever marketing campaigns for your potential audience to interact with.

Caution should be used when drilling down into your specific niche, Too far in could limit your earning potential.

Remember to embrace any change. Audiences tend to change over time.

The Canty Effect - The Audience

In Conclusion

The value of niches in affiliate marketing is nonmeasurable. The quality of the content is relative to your success.

The Canty Effect - The End

Niches allow affiliate to address narrower segments of a market.

Expecting to get rich quick should be your last consideration for affiliate marketer. It take time, 18 – 36 months, to become established within the search engines.

Currently, the affiliate marketing arena is similar the the goldrush of 1848. Affiliates are trampling all over one another to achieve super affiliate status.

Yes, that is highly possible!

Operating in a specific niche tends to reduce the amount of competition, unlike mass marketing.

Although the audience is larger in mass marketing, the amount of competition you will face also increases.

Your website contains your brand, introduction, and reputation. Your life’s blood is on the line.

Audiences expect professionalism and you must be trustworthy while providing honest, up-to-date and truthful information.

Maintaining your website is a high priority task. Keeping your theme and plugins up-to-date minimizes website errors and down time.

Any activity, product or service can be a lucrative niche; however, you have to put in the work, be persistent, and be patient to succeed.

Finally, your audience is your true prize. Meeting their needs will help them meet yours.

And I close out by saying, we need what we need!

If we keep our minds right, we can keep our bodies tight!

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If you have not done so already, please read the previous topics to benefit from the information. 

Feel free to reach out in the space below. I welcome the opportunity to have a discussion with you.

The Canty Effect -

To your success and growth,


Founder of The Canty Effect

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