Insider’s Edition: Wealthy Affiliate Program Review

Wealthy Affiliate Review

The Canty Effect - Wealthy Affiliate Program Review
  • Summary
  • Platform
  • Competition
  • Cost
  • Recommendation

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This article is an insider’s review of the Wealthy Affiliate (WA) Program and all of their offerings. Is this affiliate marketing program a legitimate means for stepping away from our dreaded day jobs?

Does WA offer a technique and process that is sustainable for a lengthy period? Full disclosure, I would like to point out that I am currently a cardholder of this program.

While reading this article, you will come across links where I will be pointing to WA.

Instead of trying to be convincing of how great this program is, this review will simply point out the benefits as understood.

We will break down exactly what a membership means and show what the program is all about. This review promise to deliver an honest evaluation without any hype or overstatements.

Time to get into the thick of it!

The Wealthy Affiliate Review Summary

Product Name: Wealthy Affiliate

The Canty Effect - Wealthy Affiliate Review Summary

Product Owner(s): Kyle and Carson

Product Type: Affiliate Marketing Platform

Cost: Free 7-Day Trial, Premium $49 month, Premium+ $99 month

Overall Score: 98/100

Recommended: Yes, Novice to Pro

Summary: The Wealthy Affiliate is an affiliate marketing platform that offers multi-tier training programs, website hosting and tools, and an invaluable community of support.

Initially, new comers can establish a free 7-day trial membership which provides a basic level of access a free website.

Premium and Premium+ members can get access to an exclusive marketplace, where they can promote these courses and earn commission payments as affiliates.

The Canty Effect - WA Banner

According to Kyle, each component of the WA platform is designed to compliment the other components. Allowing for a rich and entertaining experience.

Using the WA Premium and Premium+ memberships allows members to create multiple revenue stream from a single dashboard.

In addition, direct competition of the WA platform is limited in that no other platform provides equivalent resources.

With the WA platform, there is no need to fear jumping right in. WA is committed to a ‘try it before you buy it’ offer!

Did I mention the entry tier is a free 7-day trial?

Unlike other platforms that can cost $2K+ with no guarantees as an initial investment. Joining WA is more than a business opportunity, it is a fully throttled business experience.

According to Niall Doherty, “The free membership is nowhere near enough to help you build a successful affiliate site and make money online – everything in there is geared towards converting you to a paid account.”

Should you choose not to proceed beyond the free 7-day trial, then you have lost nothing. Conversely, you have gained free experience as you continue your search.

Not a bad deal, eh?

The WA Business model seeks to empower the members through task-specific training and step-by-step website building.

The WA mantra equates to:

  • Free Time – Setting your own schedule allowing you to work at your own convenience is a plus.
  • Work From Anywhere – The ability to work from anywhere that there is internet is amazing.
  • Financial Freedom – Being financially secure is the ultimate dream to have.

WA suggests that by allotting the time, putting in the work, and providing value to your audience, you can achieve success.

Understand that nothing about what WA offers suggest that your business can profitably operate on autopilot.

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You will definitely have to put in the work in order to see the true benefits of your efforts.

In addition, outsourcing content creation is always possible; however, you minimize your knowledge by doing so.

WA training leaves very little room for guesswork. Their open platform and support system can provide almost needed to succeed.

The will to do so is up to you!

If you are serious about getting involved in affiliate marketing, I highly recommend giving WA a look.

What Does Wealthy Affiliate Have To Offer With This Platform?

WA offers a platform open to all, novice to pro experience levels.

There are multiple methods of making money once at the Premium and Premium+ levels.

The Canty Effect - Wealthy Affiliate Platform

Unlike some affiliate marketing businesses, there is no product purchasing nor inventory to be concerned with.

In addition, there are no customer service or shipping and handling issues to content with.

Your job has four phases:

  1. Select a niche that you are passionate about
  2. Build your website(s)
  3. Drive traffic to your website through content creation
  4. Keep website and content updated

Rinse and repeat daily!

WA offers no tricks or gimmicks on their platform to standout in the crowd.

The founders are on the platform every day with the members. WA offers a different approach to stand out from their competition.

Here is what you will learn once you are a Premium/Premium+ member inside WA (the free 7-day trial has limited access).

The in-depth training at WA will teach you to choose a niche and build out your website.

You will learn how create content with value. In addition, you will learn how tools such as SEO (Search Engine Optimization), Google Search Console, and more affect your business.

You earn through affiliate programs (i.e. Amazon, ClickBank, and CJ ( formerly, Commission Junction) that you partner with including WA and others through the platform.

No matter what level you are, the competition in the affiliate marketing space is abundant. However, the tools offered at WA can provide you with an edge on your competitors.

If you get in for the money, your success may be short-lived.

Consequently, if you are offering help and value to an audience, you will enjoy the fruits of your labor.

The Overwhelming Competition

There are mom-and-pop affiliate programs in every corner of the internet. Seemingly, more prop up every day. Most are simply spin-offs of larger platforms.

The Canty Effect - Wealthy Affiliate Competition

Each promising bountiful riches and untold wealth, if you follow their plan. Plans which are half-baked, inconsistent, or even pirated material from other sources.

Nonetheless, there are big box programs available at a cost. You cannot forget about the pros either. Most of the pros have been at this for years and that is why they earn the big buck.

It is common practice to learn what your competitors are doing and even mimicking some of their techniques.

Nevertheless, be mindful of the tricks to the trade as well. It is not easy to win big in a saturated market; however, you can carve out a loyal audience over time.

Most of your competitors are there to sale, sale, sale. You must be different. The primary method of being different is to offer honesty, operate with integrity, and possess a good work ethics.

Establishing trust and a relationship with your audience is the key to a successful business.

Can You Learn To Become An Affiliate Marketer From Wealthy Affiliate?

That is not a million dollar question. Because the answer is quite simple, yes!

The Canty Effect - Learning At Wealthy Affiliate

The training at WA is in-depth, thorough, and constantly updated. At no point are you forced to learn any facet of affiliate marketing on your own.

The WA program covers it all. If by chance it is not covered, the support team will figure it out with you.

If you take a deeper look at the training, you will realize that it was built off of experience and not hypothetical.

The fluidity of the lessons allow you to visualize the flow of the process, evaluate milestones, and gauge results.

The state-of-the-art tools offered at WA are also intuitive. The founders spared no effort to ensure your ability to be a winner.

As a Premium member, you have access to the following:

The Canty Effect - WA Premium Plus Member Access
WA Premium Plan

The Cost Of Joining The Wealthy Affiliate Program

The prices associated with becoming a member at WA are set across the board. Some programs have various tier for which the charge escalating fees.

At WA, there are three tiers;

The Canty Effect - Wealthy Affiliate Program Costs
  1. Starter 7-Day Trial (Free)
  2. Premium
  3. Premium+

The 7-day free trial gives you the opportunity to try before you buy. Although the access is limited at this tier, enough access is granted to:

  • go through some training,
  • build a website, and
  • sample the support system.

Kyle and Carson believe in giving you the opportunity to test drive what WA has to offer.

The Premium membership is set at $49 per month. Recall the Premium listing in the previous section. In addition to full access to the training, the offerings are substantial.

Many programs charge a hefty price this level of access to their features.

Utilizing the ten websites available to a Premium member, that is nine additional opportunities to generate income.

Imagine the possibilities!

To up your game, the Premium+ membership allows access to even more great value.

This upgrade cost $99 per month. The primary difference between Premium and Premium+ are the commission earning rates.

At the Premium+ level, you have access to fifty websites. Websites that you can monetize at your discretion.

Saving The Best For Last

The Canty Effect - Saving The Best For Last

There has been several vague references to the WA support system. That oversight was deliberate. In addition to the support team at WA, there is the WA community of members.

As apart major part of the WA program, the community provides support to one another.

You are never alone on the platform. You are encouraged to bond and build relationships within the community.

In essence, they are more akin to a global family. A family that is designed to prop you up, help you through tough times, and provide encouragement.

The purpose of this cross connection sharing builds character, appreciation, and respect. In addition, the fellowship within the community is nothing short of amazing.

Everyone can potentially chime in via direct message, live chat, or an open questions board. This community is unlike any other in this space.

The Canty Effect - WA Banner

What Is There To Like About Wealthy Affiliate?

What is there to like about WA? Everything! Did just show my bias?

The Canty Effect - Why Like Wealthy Affiliate

There are three primary reason I like WA:

  1. Authenticity
  2. Training
  3. Business Model

Kyle and Carson have an awesome approach to their offerings. They join you in the struggle.

Their desire to see each an every member succeed is without question. In addition, they are continuously updating the training, as well as, enhancing systems and tools.

The training is constantly being offered with access to view later. You are encouraged to create training to demonstrate your understanding of a topic.

I know, wild right?

The business model offered at WA surrounds niche marketing. Niche marketing allows you to drill down into a market and finding specifically targeted audiences and meeting their needs.

The content created surrounds the chosen niche and you are helping the audience by providing value.

My Recommendation Of Wealthy Affiliate?

My recommendation is that you test drive WA using the 7-day free trial. You have nothing to lose by trying it before buying it.

The Canty Effect - My #1 Recommendation

You should be aware that many of the features will not be realized until you upgrade to the Premium level. This is a high participation affiliate marketing program that teaches you the A-Z of the business.

I am a big believer in earning passive income through a single stream or multiple streams if you choose. This is an excellent online business option, especially for beginners.

And I close out by saying, we need what we need!

If we keep our minds right, we can keep our bodies tight!

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If you have not done so already, please read the previous topics to benefit from the information. 

Feel free to reach out in the space below. I welcome the opportunity to have a discussion with you.

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To your success and growth,


Founder of The Canty Effect

Sponsored By:

Wealthy Affiliate  Jaaxy

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8 thoughts on “Insider’s Edition: Wealthy Affiliate Program Review”

  1. Prior to my involvement with WA, I thought all I needed was a bit of a refresher and move on.  I used to do affiliate programming online back in 2003.  So much has changed since then!  I learned quickly within WA that I didn’t know nearly as much as I thought I did.  Kyle has been great as he’s the one I converse with the most.  Carson’s info share has also been move valuable.  And, if that’s not enough, there’s a series of ambassadors and WA veterans that can easily help people to better understand exactly what WA is and what formulas work best to achieve success.

    • Thanks for stopping by, Millie! You are absolutely right about time have changed. Kyle and  Carson have orchestrated a winning platform for the masses to benefit from. In addition, the community is unlike any family that I have grown to admire. The respect, rapport, and support that the community offers is mind blowing. We are definitely winners.

  2. Hi

    I love Wealthy Affiliate!

    You are right, they are clear that this is not a get rich quick system but in-depth training to help you learn to earn money from your website. You have to put in the time and the work – to learn what you can do and then to do the work!

    There are no guarantees, just as going to university doesn’t guarantee you a first-class degree and a well-paid job for life!  You have to do your bit.

    The training is amazing and so is the community! It’s great when you notice people struggling, then getting over the hurdles and going on to be successful, and also discussing what did or didn’t work for them.

    Thanks for this great review!

    All the best,


    • Thank you for the visit and kind words, Julia. I have learned that WA provides an alternative to working a day job. The skills gained can be carried into the future.

      The education through training is worth far more than the cost. And yes, the WA community is nothing short of amazing. They are a global family that is always ready to help, nudge, or push one another across the finish line. 

      Look forward to chatting with you in the future.

  3. thanks for the insight in depth of the WA program because alot of people will benefit from understanding what you refer to the “thick” of it, which is so true. There is alot to this affiliate marketing and without the solid foundation and structure to build on, it will be built in vain. If people will follow instructions and not try to palm play it, I believe we will all benefit vastly from the education and growth.

    • We appreciate your comment. Wealthy Affiliate offers the tools for developing a solid foundation. the chance of success is increased 10x using their methods and techniques. You are absolutely correct about the training offered at WA. If you did nothing but set up websites for others, you have benefited from the program.

  4. thanks for the insight in depth of the WA program because alot of people will benefit from understanding what you refer to the “thick” of it, which is so true. There is alot to this affiliate marketing and without the solid foundation and structure to build on, it will be built in vain. If people will follow instructions and not try to palm play it, I believe we will all benefit vastly from the education and growth.

    • Timo, thanks for stopping by and weighing in on this topic. There are number of affiliate marketing offers out there; however, the benefits rarely match the hype. The WA program gives you a play-by-play roadmap to follow which increases our chances for success. In addition, the training helps build the foundation and allows us to broaden our knowledge base. Hope to chat with you more.


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