Who’s Who: 5 Top Super Affiliates?

The Canty Effect - Top 5 Super Affiliates

5 Top Super Affiliates

  • Martin Osborn (a.k.a. Finch Sells)
  • Ian Fernando
  • Jeremy Schoemaker
  • John Chow
  • Kristy McCubbin

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What measure determines who are 5 top super affiliate? Moreover, how do we choose a super affiliate to model our goals after?

There is no shortage of gurus to model your journey after. Reluctantly, choosing a super affiliate to influence your success is a cluttered mess.

The Canty Effect - Super Affiliates

The different tactics deployed by some super affiliates exceed a beginner’s ability to keep up in this high pace ever changing arena.

Becoming one of the top super affiliates is no small feat. It requires tons of research to find reliable sources of information.

To that end, the best information is always from the original source. However, the secrecy surrounding many programs push to seek out reviews.

Reviews sometimes tend to provide a slanted of less favorable candidates. Let’s just say that a number of the names listed in super affiliate reviews are for show.

That is not to say that these many of the individuals are not super affiliate material. 

What Is A Super Affiliate, Exactly?

According to Morning Dough, “The Super Affiliate is a very successful digital marketer that sometimes even becomes consultant to companies who wish to increase their online results as well as to other affiliates who wish to achieve success.”

The Canty Effect - What Is A Super Affiliates?

Yes, it requires great success in the digital marketing arena to be classified as a super affiliate.

Most super affiliates have reached the pinnacle of success by knowing their respective markets. 

In the article by Aversity, “How To Become A Super Affiliate In 5 Easy Steps,” the author provides instructions on the steps necessary to achieve super affiliate status.

Those steps are:

  1. Know What You’re Selling – Study the products/services you plan to offer
  2. Stand Out – Be different, bolder than other competing affiliates
  3. Build a Relationship with Your Vendor – Gain an understanding of the product/service from the product creator
  4. Build a Buyer List – Capture buyer information as a source for future sales
  5. Don’t Forget High Ticket Products – include the sale of expensive products at the end of your funnel

Taking advantage of the tools that you have readily available is key to becoming a super affiliate.

Make all of the necessary tweaks to your plan as you constantly review it as each milestone is reached. Keep that which works and modify that which does not.

Let’s take a look at 5 super affiliates that have a big influence on the market.

Affiliate marketing isn’t about commissions, it’s about helping people find the value they are looking for.

Shivansh Bhanwariya

Martin Osborn (a.k.a. Finch Sells)

The Canty Effect - Martin Osborn (a.k.a. Finch Sells)

Martin Osborn is a 29 year old loving husband and father who spent 3.5 years in Thailand.

Although he boasts about being a high school dropout, he runs his own company, Finch Media Ltd.

An accomplished affiliate blogger, Osborn has maintained his affiliate marketing blog for 8 years.

Osborn treasure chest includes numerous types of affiliate campaigns and works directly with brand to bolster their current conversion funnels.

Selling his Ultimate Premium Package for $120 is how Osborn make most of his money.

Osborn is no stranger to the inner workings of the internet. He started posting to forums online at age 12.

By age 14, Osborn had his own forum up and running; in addition, he had the same forum monetized by age 16.

ClickBank was Osborns first affiliate marketing gig. From there, he discovered the income potential of Cost Per Acquisition (CPA) marketing and increased his earning.

Osborn’s advice to affiliate marketers is to to take risks through creating campaigns, building sites, and finding things on their own to market.

According to Osborn, affiliates who press on will be the ones to grasp the relationship between the affiliate, the advertiser, and the customer.

Following Finch Sells is a great opportunity for a beginner to learn everything they need to know about affiliate marketing.

Ian Fernando

The Canty Effect - Ian Fernando

Ian Fernando, known as an online strategist, is a 15 year veteran of affiliate marketing. 

He got his start selling on eBay as a e-commerce agent. Fernando says that he switched to customer service to avoid customer service.

Fernando seized the opportunity to learned the importance of keyword usage while at AzoogleAds.

His earning grew on average from $100 a day to $1,000 per day. Fernando was  introduced to the public speaking field after being approached by Affiliate Summit.

His website, ianfernando.com is a unabridged guide to affiliate marketing and a inside look at how you can achieve the same level of success.

With a focus on execution, Fernando believes in expanding into new revenue-driven ideas. His resume is stacked with accomplishments.

His knowledge of funnel optimization, monetizing traffic, paid media are only a few things that set him apart from the rest.

Fernando is an in-depth Facebook ad expert. In addition, he helps companies streamline the way the work with clients.

Jeremy Schoemaker (ShoeMoney)

The Canty Effect - Jeremy Schoemaker (ShoeMoney)

Jeremy Schoemaker is the founder of ShoeMoney Media and PAR (People Acquisition & Retention) Program.

In addition, Schoemaker is co-founder of the AuctionAds service. He is a prominent voice at search engine marketing and affiliate conferences worldwide.

Schoemaker’s beginning was not some grandiose plan to conquer the affiliate marketing world. 

After years of up and down hardships, he went from unemployment to holding one of the super affiliate slots.

Schoemaker became vested in affiliate marketing through is blog and other online interests.

Starting with a $133K check from Google Adsense clicks on his NextPimp.com website that was receiving 5 million visitors per month.

After pursuing direct and affiliate marketing with NextPimp, he started a Premium Subscription service.

By 2007, Schoemaker found himself making millionaires by giving each of his ShoeMoney employees a million dollars each.

Schoemaker expanded his footprint into the affiliate marketing arena.

John Chow

The Canty Effect - John Chow

John Chow worked at a job for a grand total of 8 months in his entire life. After that, he concluded that “Working Sucks!” and he never did it again.

Chow is another self made phenomenon to follow and pay attention to. In 1999, he started his first website, Moto’s Project 504.

After which, Chow started The Techzone which later joined the Maximum PC Network.

In 2005, Chow started a blog income case study proving that money could be made blogging. He released an Amazon bestseller ‘Make Money Online’ in 2010.

Chow believes that a successful blog should be updated frequently and have multiple revenue sources to monetize the blog.

To date, Chow has one of the biggest blog on the internet. With more than 200K active daily readers, he is ranked on the AdAge Power 150 List.

Chow was the 2012 Affiliate Marketing Awards winner for Best Marketing Affiliate Blog. 

In addition, he has been featured in such publications as The Vancouver Sun, the Globe and Mail, the New York Times, Entrepreneur Magazine, Ming Pao Magazine and BC Business Magazine.

“The riches are in the niches, but the fortune is in the follow-up.”

Pat Flynn (Super affiliate)

Kristy McCubbin (Affiliate Stuff)

The Canty Effect - Kristy McCubbin (Affiliate Stuff)

Kristy McCubbin is the founder of affiliatestuff.co.uk. she made her start in 1999 as an SEO specialist.

McCubbin a loving wife and mother of two. She believes that there is more than one definition of wealth in life, her family.

After developing an Affiliate marketing program for a client, she stay with affiliate marketing.

Pay Per Click (PPC), both via landing pages and direct to merchants, is McCubbin’s specialty. Earning 85% of her revenue through the same.

In addition to Google AdWords, McCubbin does Bing and Yahoo PPC to landing pages.

In 2010, McCubbin won the a4uAwards in 2010 for her affiliate marketing skills. Her mantra is to ‘Create traffic first. Monetize later’.

Focusing on your skillset more than the idea of affiliate marketing is an adamant belief of hers.

McCubbin suggests that there are various niches that one can capitalize on. For example, copy, web design, social media, SEO, PPC, etc. are but a few of them. 

Then discover a means to make money off it.

In Conclusion

The Canty Effect - The End

Although there are a number of super affiliates on the horizon, there are a few that are worth following.

Following these super affiliates will reveal strategic methods to build your affiliate business.

Martin Osborn (a.k.a. Finch Sells) portfolio includes numerous types of affiliate campaigns and works directly with brand to bolster their current conversion funnels.

Ian Fernando, an online strategist, knowledge of funnel optimization, monetizing traffic, paid media are only a few things that set him apart from the rest.

Jeremy Schoemaker is a true ‘rags to riches’ story. ShoeMoney Media and PAR Program along with AuctionAds catapulted him from sleeping on a friend’s sofa to super affiliate.

John Chow decided after 8 months of working for someone else was not for him.

He started working for himself building websites, blogging, and writing books. He has not looked back since.

Kristy McCubbin got her start as an SEO specialist. She found herself drawn to affiliate marketing after creating a program for a client. Truly expanding on her skillset.

And I close out by saying, we need what we need!

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To your success and growth,


Founder of The Canty Effect

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