To Become An Affiliate Marketer, For Newbies!

Become An Affiliate Marketer

The Canty Effect - Affiliate Marketing For Newbies
  • Become Your own boss
  • Work from anywhere, mobile office
  • Low initial startup costs
  • Work schedule flexibility
  • On hand inventory not required

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A common questions often asked is “How to become an affiliate marketer?” To answer this question, numerous factors must be considered.

This article takes a sneak peek into life as an affiliate marketer. Interestingly, the art of affiliate marketing is teachable.

Understanding that there are no guarantees to get-rich-quick, research shows that this field can be quite lucrative.

Finding a bona fide program is the key to success. We will discuss the expectations for a successful program.

In addition, most content creators do not know the difference between an affiliate marketing program and an affiliate program.

An affiliate marketing program is a platform where you learn to become an affiliate marketer.

On the other hand affiliate programs are the actual merchants and networks.

Now that the difference is explained, we can move on.

Why Become An Affiliate Marketer?

The Canty Effect - Affiliate Marketing: Why Affiliate Marketing?

There are numerous reasons to become an affiliate marketer. Common reasons are:

  • Become Your own boss
  • Work from anywhere, mobile office
  • Low initial startup costs
  • Work schedule flexibility
  • On hand inventory not required

Becoming your own boss is the ultimate dream. Money-making opportunities knocking at the door daily.

Although you are responsible for the inner workings afforded for being your own boss, the potential rewards make it all worthwhile.

Affiliate marketing allow you to be the king of the mountain. Determining your own destiny and creating a compelling brand is quite captivating.

The ability to perform your work anywhere in the world (that has access to the internet) is fascinating.

Conceivably, we could travel the world and not miss a days works. Taking a ‘workation’ can be mind-blowing.

Generally, the startup costs are negligible in most instances. We will discuss the various programs a little later.

Nonetheless, we want to start with a program that will allow us to ‘try before we buy’.

Just like working from anywhere, we can set our own schedule to accommodate our personal lives. Oh, joy!

Another major plus to affiliate marketing is that we not required to maintain any inventory. It is drop-shipping on steroids.

We have access to offering millions of products around the world. Piece of cake, right?

Affiliate Marketing Program: What To Look For

The Canty Effect - Affiliate Marketing: What To Look For

First, we need to identify what affiliate marketing is and how it can benefit us.

According to Neil Patel, “Affiliate marketing is the process of earning money (commissions) every time you promote a

company’s products or services and drive a sale.”

That sounds simple enough. However, Neil omitted an important fact from his description.

In addition to promoting products, we must provide value in our content to the audience.

Without that value, the audience will not stay on our website long enough to make a purchase.

An affiliate program is simply a platform that you work from.

It is oftentimes where our website is hosted, we receive program training, and we develop of skills and experience.

For example, Wealthy Affiliate is an all-inclusive platform created in 2012.

Full disclosure, I admit that I am a member of this program.

An affiliate marketing program must offer value in order for you to be successful.

If the program does not offer a detailed road map or someone else is doing the leg work, even a modicum of success becomes complicated.

Whichever platform that is selected, it must teach us to earn our reward. The program I am in does exactly that.

The top five recommended affiliate marketing programs are:

  1. Wealthy Affiliate
  2. The Arbor Academy
  3. CAKE
  4. Tipstrr
  5. Project 24

Reviewing the various platforms is beyond the scope of this article.

Therefore, do your research and decide for yourself which one you are comfortable with.

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What Are Affiliate Programs And How To Join

Affiliate programs are offered by the merchants. There are literally thousands of affiliate programs.

Seemingly, every product on the market has the potential to be offered by an affiliate program.

The Canty Effect - Affiliate Marketing Programs

For example, the Amazon affiliate program offers every product on their site through a specially assigned link.

If a consumer enter the site through our link, we would receive commission off of anything that they purchase.

Similarly, Commission Junction offers a host of products and services in which we could receive commission through.

Thousands of products to choose from and make a fairly modest income. Again, if a customer uses our link to make a purchase we get paid.

The purchase does not have to be for the actual product offered on our website.

Individuals, such as Tony Robbins, offer an affiliate program for his series of products.

Joining affiliate programs are fairly simple. In many cases it is as easy as submitting a request/application to a specific program(s).

You can leverage any niche(s) you desire.

5 Common Mistakes To Avoid

The Canty Effect - 5 Common Mistakes

Basically, we can join an unlimited number of affiliate programs; however, joining too many programs could diminish our ability to achieve our goal.

Not being passionate about our niche is another mistake. Remarkably, a chosen niche may be lucrative; however, it must be riveting to you in order to peak your interest.

Quality of content is yet another mistake beginners often make. We are taught that 1500+ word articles are good for our ranking.

Before quantity consumes our thought process, we must remember to provide content that offers value to the audience.

Rambling words that simply fill the blank space on our pages is worthless to the audience.

Connecting relevant content to needs and desires will offer the audience to feel our articles.

An important rule to remember is that our target is to convert the audience.

We want them to make purchases, return to our site and engage frequently, as well as, share our presence.

The fifth mistake to avoid is not collect emails from the start. Having the audience opt-in to receive emails and newsletter builds relationships.

With relationships comes trust and confidence in us. We want the audience to confide in us to ensure that their needs are being met.

Now That You Have Your Own Business

The Canty Effect - Your Own Online Business

Whether full-time, part-time, or sometimes, we have become our own boss. Feels great, does it not?

Hopefully, the program that would have mentored us this far ensure that we established a plan of action. Not just out here rogue.

At this point, we would have the following in place:

  • a basic knowledge of what to be expected;
  • our goals set;
  • our plan of action;
  • a means to monitor aspects of the business; and
  • a support system

Each one of these factors is a link the chain. Our business is only as strong as the weakest link.

Behind the scenes, we must work to maintain a high level of honesty, integrity, and ethical behavior.

Once mastered, we can repeatedly replicate our business model over and over again.

Becoming fearless in our niche is a thing too!

Our level of expertise will rank us higher up the food chain. Ahead of the game is where we want to be.

Once we convince our audience that we did not come to play, they will believe in our commitment to seriously provide for them.

Having the audience provide feedback can potentially provide us with additional opportunities is a winner too.

At The End Of The Day

At the end of the day, it is incumbent upon us to research the available opportunities to become an affiliate marketer.

The Canty Effect - The End

We must acknowledge the numerous reasons available to us for becoming an affiliate marketer.

We now have an understanding as to what affiliate marketing programs and affiliate programs are. In addition, we also know the difference between the two.

Consequently, we know of at least 5 mistakes that we need to avoid as affiliate marketers:

  • Joining too many programs could diminish our ability;
  • Not being passionate about our niche Is a drawback;
  • Quality over quantity with content of value;
  • Failing to connect content value to the audience ; and
  • Failing to collect emails from the onset of the business could prove troublesome.

Now we are in business, feeling the brunt of what it takes to reach our goals.

Building content with value, offer help to solve problems that the audience may have, and fulfilling our dreams is a noteworthy challenge.

And I close out by saying, we need what we need!

If we keep our minds right, we can keep our bodies tight!

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Join me and let us make sense of it all! We can do it together.

If you have not done so already, please read the previous topics to benefit from the information. 

Feel free to reach out in the space below. I welcome the opportunity to have a discussion with you.

The Canty Effect -

To your success and growth,


Founder of The Canty Effect

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