Wealthy Affiliate: Top 5 Questions People Are Asking

The Canty Effect - Top 5 Questions

Wealthy Affiliate: Top 5 Questions People Are Asking

  1. Is the core training material is rarely updated?
  2. Is the core training filled with misleading claims?
  3. Is the core training very poorly organized?
  4. Is The core training riddled with bad advice?
  5. Members are explicitly encouraged and instructed to recruit other paying members to WA?

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Interestingly, there are 5 top questions people are asking about Wealthy Affiliate (WA).

Naturally, you want to get the best and most accurate information available on Wealthy Affiliate.

I joined Wealthy Affiliate in July, 2021 after seeing a video on Commission Academy.

Therefore, the answer here are based on research and my honest personal opinion.

Let’s take a look at the top 5 questions people are asking.

Question #1: Is The Wealthy Affiliate Core Training Material Rarely Updated?

The Canty Effect - Core Training Material

The update rate of core training materials is beyond my time at WA. The pool of training materials is vast.

However, from July 2021 to date, the content has been constantly updated on a regular basis.

Could that be because of the number of reviews claiming there is a issue? Perhaps, but, there is a daily effort to ensure the training is up-to-date.

Although I have came across several of the training modules that appeared repetitious, I saw more as positive reinforcement of a point or process.

It appear as though Niall Doherty at eBiz Facts poled every person discontent WA on the internet.

“Campaigns that use emotion to relate with people get attention by positioning themselves correctly. They bring people through the right process by showcasing their intent.”

Beau Haralson

The majority citing the training as outdated; however, none give credit to the fact that the level of training available is far greater than any of them could consume.

Question #2: Is The Core Training Filled With Misleading Claims?

The Canty Effect - Misleading Claims

To date, there has been no direct information pointing to any misleading claims at WA. Most comments that offered these claims were anonymous with no evidence. 

I have completed both the One Entrepreneur Certification (5 Courses – 50 Lessons) and the Affiliate Bootcamp (7 Courses – 70 Lessons)

I have yet to encounter any false claims or promises within the training modules. The authors are careful to not make promises or guarantees.

In addition, they make it clear that all niches are not the same; therefore, they would not produce the same results in every case.

Different authors use different training tools and techniques to achieve their training goals.

In addition, on occasion one author may unintentionally discount or devalue another authors methods.

Needless to say, the process between the two are both effective for reaching the endgame.

This fact, I can attest to since I have personally experienced it. Incidentally, I was able to utilize both methods with success.

Authors offer training that they have experience with and meets the needs of their message.

For example, WordPress offers more than 55K plugins across their platform.

Needless to say, every author my not choose the same exact plugins as the next author.

They generally stick to what has worked for them and meets their specific needs. 

You will constantly hear  authors say, “experiment with all of the tools and find what is best for you needs.

Question #3: Is The Wealthy Affiliate Core Training Very Poorly Organized?

The Canty Effect - Training Poorly Organized

The suggestion that the core training is very poorly organized is absolutely ludicrous.

The training is as consistent as the alphabet. Each training module is strategically linked to the beginning stage of becoming a business owner to the end of the affiliate process.

Are there some missteps? Are there step or process out of place? Could some things be shuffled around to make more sense?

The short answer is YES!

I have came across training material that I felt I should have had access to prior to other steps; however, these shortcomings did not threat my ability to be successful.

The authors walk candidates through the entire process, from beginning to the end, step by step.  

Depending on your membership level, a Premium Plus member has unfettered access to all training and classes on the WA platform.

The Premium level has limited access; however, this level member can utilized a great deal of training.

The Canty Effect - WA Banner

Question #4: Is The Core Training Riddled With Bad Advice?

Bad Advice? The recommendations within the core training are just that – recommendations.

The training does not claim any process is better that another. In the beginning, the authors clearly state the reasons certain products are recommended.

WA claims that you can build a website in five minutes. Actually this is a true claim  for any member taking the offer.

The Canty Effect - Bad Advice

For example, WA recommends a GeneratePress Theme, a SEO, and an Image minimizer to have a super fast 5 minute website.

Where it differs is deploying a custom domain name, installing and setting up plugins, and adding specialty functionality.

90 percent of the advice tossed around in WA comes from within the WA community. Numerous responders answer questions posed in the platform.

Some answers are more correct than others; however, it is a forever learning ground available to all members.

Opinions as advice can be hit or miss at any time and the platform is geared to absorb answers or advice that may not be kosher.

“To have an impact on your audience, you must understand their pain points.” Neil Patel 

Members are encouraged to participate which serves several purposes:

  • Interaction
  • Rapport building
  • Live 24/7 support

Consequently, the only bad advice is advise not given.

Question #5: Are Members Explicitly Encouraged And Instructed To Recruit Other Paying Members To Wealthy Affiliate?

The Canty Effect - Recruiting Other Members?

The WA platform is a business, can we all agree? Therefore, it is expected to push for revenue generating.

Paying members is what makes WA work. I, personally, have not been instructed to recruit other paying members.

Looking at the structure of WA, it is recommended that driving traffic and encouraging joining the platform is the easiest means to earn income.

Referrals are considered ‘low hanging fruit’ when trying to earn revenue in a Making Money Opportunity (MMO).

Reviewers that claim recruiting is somehow evil are trying to shoot down a process that works.

It is the means to an end. Your referrals is pay you as long as they remain a member.

All you are required to do is get them to the door and what they feel about WA determines whether they join or not.

In Conclusion

We have discussed the top 5 questions people are asking about Wealthy Affiliate.

The core training material is regularly updated since I have been a member, July 2021.

The Canty Effect - The End

The recommendations offered in the WA core training are not false claims. The authors speak from their experiences.

The core training is organized in a manner consistent with any other building process.

Each participant (Starter/Premium/Premium+) is walked through the process step by step with explanations.

As far as being riddled with bad advice, the reviewers have not provided specific to quantify their claims.

I have yet to experience an instance were I was given bad advice. I have always been told to experience all aspects of the process.

At no time have I been explicitly encouraged and instructed to recruit other paying members to WA.

The ability to drive recruits to the WA platform makes good business sense for both the platform and the referrer.

Providing streams of income is why you are getting involved in an online business.

And I close out by saying, we need what we need!

If we keep our minds right, we can keep our bodies tight!

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If you have not done so already, please read the previous topics to benefit from the information. 

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To your success and growth,


Founder of The Canty Effect

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