Super Affiliate System Pro Review: 6 Step Process

Super Affiliate System Pro

  • System Setup
  • Google Ad Campaign Training
  • YouTube Ads Setup
  • Advanced Tactics
  • Presell Pages and Scaling
  • Product Selection

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Welcome To Our Super Affiliate System Pro Review

Is Super Affiliate System Pro a legitimate offer to help you achieve success? Or is it a scam designed to feed you false hope while draining your wallets? 

Confidently, I can assure you that you have landed in one of the best places to find out. 

The Canty Effect - Welcome To Our Super Affiliate System Pro Review

Is Super Affiliate System Pro a legitimate offer to help you achieve success? Or is it a scam designed to feed you false hope while draining your wallets? 

Confidently, I can assure you that you have landed in one of the best places to find out.

Super Affiliate System Pro is an affiliate marketing course that claims that you can earn money by learning their system, which is a legitimate way to earn money.

Interestingly, a number of reviewers claim that Super Affiliate System Pro is ( the best thing since sliced bread or nothing more than a ripoff disguised as a opportunity) to earn money.

Hi, I am Canty! I am an affiliate marketer who has recently joined the ranks to build a successful affiliate marketing business.

Moreover, I have reviewed hundreds of schemes and scams to find the best way for me to earn an income working from home.

I am very passionate about learning and working to earn money online and pointing others in the right direction to develop their path. 

Nevertheless, I want to offer you guidance to avoid my mistakes and avoid certain pitfalls!

In this Super Affiliate System Pro Review, you will get an idea of how it works. 

In addition, I will include my personal opinion on the positives and negatives about Super Affiliate System Pro as to whether or not they are legit.

Let’s jump right in!

“Ambition is the path to success. Persistence is the vehicle you arrive in.” ― Bill Bradley

Super Affiliate System Pro Overview

  • Name: Super Affiliate System Pro
  • Type: Affiliate Marketing Ads Course
  • Founder: John Crestani
  • Website:
  • Ease of Use: Designed for beginners
  • Training: 4.5/10
  • Cost: $5K+ (offering $4K off)
  • Rating: 3.5/10
  • Summary: In summary, Super Affiliate System Pro claims to equip entrepreneurs with the expertise they need to become competent affiliate marketers.
  • Sup. #1 – According to the website, the course contains 42 informational videos and 34 ‘SHOW ME HOW’ videos that walk you step-by-step through the applications and processes you’ll use. 
  • Sup. #2 – In addition, it is hands-on training course, where you learn everything from how to create and design effective pre-sell pages and compose converting ads on search networks and social media to scaling your business for maximum income.

Alternate Option: In my opinion, you can start a legitimate online business and make money online!

 You can take a peek behind the curtain of  my #1 recommended FREE training below to avoid wasting your time on millionaire-over-night schemes and scams.

What Is Super Affiliate System Pro?

Super Affiliate System Pro  (SAS) is an affiliate marketing training program.

Seemingly, it is designed to teach individual how to become affiliate marketers.

More or less, this a series of 42 informational videos and 34 videos called ‘Show Me How’ that provides step-by-step instructions on the applications and processes to be used.

In addition, Crestani claims that the hands-on training course will teach how to create and design pre-sell pages and compose converting ads.

Ads that can be used on search networks and social media to scaling your online business for maximum income.

This program covers a great deal of real-estate. The modules cover following area:

Advanced strategiesGoogle adsTracking and testing
Affiliate networksNative adsWebsite creation
Click funnelsNiche selectionYoutube ads
Content creationScaling
Facebook adsSocial ads

However, this is simply a taste of what’s included in the course.

How Does Super Affiliate System Pro Work?

Questionably, the Super Affiliate System Pro course works by being given a detailed guideline on this system and the advantages of this course. 

Crestani also gives a step by step roadmap to building a successful online business and a detailed lesson on how to use this system and go about it.

As a intricate part of the course, users learn how to choose the best affiliate networks and how to apply to them.

He teach users how to setup ads and affiliate links to earn commission. In addition, he reveals several of the high-commission networks to the help users earn 50% more then other affiliates.

Advanced marketing skills are covered to ensure that affiliate marketing campaigns of more lucrative. Users are provided 50+ hours of video content showing the systematic processes.

The course also includes case studies, SAS coaches, and monthly coaching calls.

Hold on, I am just the messenger!

Is Super Affiliate System Pro A Scam?

Being a bit on the expensive side does not necessarily mean scam, really! For the most part it can do what it says in many respects.

Can you build a website? Yes. Can you Setup Google and YouTube ads? Most assuredly. Can you make 2.5K a week or 10K in a month? Probably not!

Starting out in the short-term, that amount of income would be a tall order. Taking more than 45 days or more just to get your online presence established anyway.

In my opinion, Super Affiliate System Pro slights itself by dangling shiny objects before the user. This appears to be nothing more than a tactic to draw user into a fantasy.

Reading the ads for Super Affiliate System Pro, a user would think that the offer is a treasure trove of fail-proof knowledge. Especially since a number of people associate a steep price with quality.

As the saying goes, ‘Forgive them for they know not what the do’! The course fails to project a realistic view of the actual results achieved for this program.

“Campaigns that use emotion to relate with people get attention by positioning themselves correctly. They bring people through the right process by showcasing their intent.” ― Beau Haralson

Is Super Affiliate System Pro Legit?

Yes, for all practical purposes, the Super Affiliate Pro course is legitimate. Crestani has created a simple system that claims to make it easy for beginners to get started with affiliate marketing.

The Super Affiliate System Pro alleges to teach the user how to use Google Ads effectively, minimizing the number of ads shown on a user’s website.

In addition, Super Affiliate System Pro appears to be a goldmine for beginners. beginner that have the time and patience to wade through the pool illusions.

Crestani’s final claim is to join Super Affiliate System Pro and “in less than three weeks, you will be on your way to achieving success in affiliate marketing.”


Technically speaking, the “you will be on your way to achieving success in affiliate marketing” claim can be made at the time you enroll in the program.

In my opinion, this program skirts around the truth with its information just like thousands of others.

How Much Does Super Affiliate System Pro Cost?

Although it will not be easily found on the website without enrolling, the cost for the Super Affiliate Pro course is $997 one-time payment or $1,191 for the 3-payment plan.

However, what you will find on the website is a masterful display of bonuses new comers would receive for enrolling ‘TODAY’.

Look below for a series of 8 bonuses and claims from their website:

Source: Super Affiliate System Pro

This first image is an ad from the website prompting you to join and claim your $4,000.00 special discount.

At the same time, baiting you with the ‘Our goal for the program is to help you consistently make $2,500.00 per week or $10K per month (or more).

Crestani goes on to say that he personally used the techniques to go from $0 to $19,700.00 online.

In my opinion, all three claims sound a little disingenuous at the off-set. Let’s start with the $4K discount. In essence, they are saying that the course is actually $5K.

In which, one-time or 3-pay plan, you are pay 1/5th the value. That could happen, maybe.

Next, there is the  $2,500.00 per week or $10K per month (or more). As well as the $0 to $19,700.00 online. The goal amount is nothing more than a shiny object to lure you into a false sense of hope.

The statement about the $19K lacks any substance or support. There is no verifiable proof that this is a true statement.

I am just saying!

It does not disclose the amount of time that it took for his to achieve 20K, nor does if offer how long it would take a newbie to achieve similar results.

Being honest, it would certainly take longer than the 3-pay plan (90 days).

Seemingly, you can become a Super Affiliate for $13,223.00 minus $4K, totaling $9,223.00.

Then, there are the 8 bonuses, value totaling $14,580.00, that accompanies the enroll today offer.

#1 The $10K Challenge$1,997.00
#2 Traffic Strategies$647.00
#3 Free Ad Credits$1,245.00
#4 Buyer Data For AI-Driven Ads$1,997.00
#5 High Ticket Commissions$1,950.00
#6 Student Case Studies$747.00
#7 Extra Login$997.00
#8 1:1 Call With John Crestani$5,000.00

Moreover, you need over $895 on ads to get started. In addition, you will need to set aside a few of dollars so that you remain on the right track.

As a recommendation, additional software may be required to get started. This can increase costs, up to but not limited to, an extra $80 to $100 a month.

Are we starting to see a pattern here? If Crestani is giving me thousands of free perks, why not just give me the course for free?

That is a fair question, but we know the answer. You must have skin in the game, right?

Is Super Affiliate System Pro Worth It?

In my opinion, on some level, Super Affiliate System Pro could potentially be worth the investment.

If you remove all of the shiny objects, you would be able to utilize this course an create an online business.

However, to make the kind of money that the ads claim, it would take time. A lot of time!

There are no real overnight success stories to support those claims.

The content on your website has to be of value. In fact, the traffic has to be substantial enough to build an audience.

In addition, the audience conversion rate would have to consistent. The ability to drive traffic is indispensable.

“If you build it, they will come!” Thanks to the ‘Field of Dreams’ (movie), we can cite positive reinforcement.

Does Super Affiliate System Pro Have A Refund Policy?

Super Affiliate System Pro offers a 30-day, no-questions-asked, money back guarantee.

That is great, right? Well, not really!

Ordinarily, setting up everything properly, tweaking, and working out the bugs will take 45 to 60 days alone.

Sometimes, the SEO (Search Engine Optimization) takes time to rank websites.

Needless to say, the following is posted on Crestani’s website, “We GUARANTEE that you’ll have success and make your purchase price back OR MORE within 30 days of joining.” 

Absurdly, the boldest claim to make to a newbie with no knowledge or experience with affiliate marketing.

In addition, everybody would be doing it were that true.

The Canty Effect - WA Banner

“Brand communities take transactional customer relationships and make their emotional relationships.” ― Suzi Nelson

What Do You Get With Super Affiliate System Pro?

Apparently, Super Affiliate System Pro has a host of surprises to offer the unsuspected user. Although Crestani try to give you the full monty of what you need, does he really?

The Canty Effect - What Do You Get With Super Affiliate System Pro?

The Super Affiliate System Pro course includes:

  • System Setup
  • Google Ad Campaign Training
  • YouTube Ads Setup
  • Advanced Tactics
  • Presell Pages and Scaling
  • Product Selection

Consequently, we acknowledge the ‘Welcome’ module that explains how everything works. It provides breakdown of what is in the course, affiliate marketing, course tools, and more.

Week One

First, there is the System Setup to get you started. Crestani takes you through the website set up with Bluehost web hosting site or other recommended hosting service.

After which, you learn his pre-built funnels over the next two days. The Manual Method that request modifying content in the host’s file manager.

On the other hand, there is the Clickfunnels Method through a funnel account for about $19 per month.

The Canty Effect - SASP Week 1

Week Two

Next up, Google Ads is introduced as well as Search Ads Setup and Display Ads Setup. Actually, there are some divided feeling about the Google Ads portion.

While the setup video is very welcomed by covering:

  • How to set up a keyword search based campaign; 
  • Location targeting; 
  • Device targeting; and 
  • Ad split testing

The video is lacking when it is has left out some basic fundamentals like:

  • Keyword match type explanation (Broad Match, Broad Match Modified, Phrase, & Exact Match)
  • Auto-bid vs. Manual Bidding settings
  • Negative keyword explanation
  • Earnings Per Click (EPCs)

The lack of this information presents a flaw in a portion of the process. No, assumptions that you already have the knowledge.

Perhaps this subject matter was unintentionally overlooked. Training for these topics are widely available on the internet.

The Canty Effect - SASP Week 2

Week Three

The third week deals with an introduction to YouTube Ads and setting up a YouTube channel.

In essence, Crestani’s in-depth look into YouTube covers a plethora of topics to get you campaign up and running.

In addition, he reveals common knowledge that google owns YouTube.

The Canty Effect - SASP Week 3

Week Four

The Advanced Tactics training is a mashup of ad compliance, affiliate recommendations, copyrighting, and Facebook. Crestani implies that these are no-brainer processes if you expect to make money online.

In his video, he breaks down each layer of these processes in layman’s terms for the newbies. Explaining how each serves a specific function in the grand scheme of things.

The recommendations are more like pointed advice to each attendee of the course.

Indeed, productive copywriting can bring the masses home and endow the user with an audience of substantial proportions.

Suffices to say that.… conversions makes sales, sales make commission, and commission makes your check.

Hesitant to point out, that it takes a whole lot of time to fill an audience with trustworthiness.

The Canty Effect - SASP Week 4

Week 5

Included in the course is ‘Presell and Scaling’ training. Incidentally, the course uses resell pages to focus on scaling affiliate marketing.

The problem here may be that Crestani suggests targeted markets and niches to the users of the course. That sounds like avoiding anything that you may be passionate about or have direct knowledge of.

That’s a bit presumptuous!

Nevertheless, the Manual method and Clickfunnels are covered at this stage of the game as well..

Clickfunnels is a sales funnel created to help businesses automate their sales process from A to Z.

According to, ClickFunnels seemingly provides an all-in-one marketing solution, which includes:

  • Page builder
  • Web host
  • Content management system
  • Shopping cart
  • Email autoresponder
  • Web analytics
  • Other marketing tools

The means that Crestani is walking users through building a website and tweaking relevant parts of it for good measure.

In the documentation, it was not totally clear as to whether or not Crestani spoke of the ad-ons necessary for Bluehost web hosting.

I used the Bluehost services before, in let’s say another life. My experience with this hosting service was horrible and expensive, very expensive.

Although the site never passed beyond being user construction, it was hacked at least once a month. I was forced to invest in service such as Sucuri Firewall Protection and WordFence Security.

We will just leave that there, they may have improved since then. I hope…!

Crestani further claims to show users how marketers get tens of thousands of people to take action towards the final sale. 

Notice that it does not say ‘through the final sale’. Again, in my opinion, carefully chosen word play.

The Canty Effect - SASP Week 5

Week 6

This is the final phase of the course, Product Selection. Crestani expands he talk of niches and sub-niches. This is where the field gets dicy for new affiliate marketers.

According to Crestani, there are three main markets to earn in:

  • Happiness
  • Health
  • Wealth

Self-help has always been a mainstay category before the internet; in fact, now there is greater access to information.

Yes, it also looks a little different too!

Not to say that a user could not excel outside of these three markets, these markets are just low hanging fruit. making them both easier and simpler to target.

Consequently, there are a number of affiliate networks that accommodate intermediate and advanced marketers that are not so friendly to beginners.

Choose wisely!

The Canty Effect - SASP Week 6

Who Is Super Affiliate System Pro For?

Surprisingly, the Super Affiliate System Pro course is said to be for beginners.

Providing them with relevant affiliate marketing skills.

According to their website, Super Affiliate System Pro “works for regular folks, teenagers, students, “caged” employees, moms & dads, struggling entrepreneurs, and everyone in between.”

Undoubtably, entrepreneurs can definitely benefit from the course to learn how to make money online per Crestani.

Consequently, as an alternative stream of income, they claim that Super Affiliate System Pro would be a good fit.

Of course, Crestani openly states that no technical skills required to gain success in affiliate marketing. Nevertheless, maintaining a basics level on knowledge is important to stay on track.

Essentially, possessing the correct mindset is critical to your affiliate marketing success.

Needless to say, in order for this system to work for you, you must remain unwavering, attentive, and dedicated.

My #1 Recommendation

My #1 recommendation to began your journey into entrepreneurship is Wealthy Affiliate (WA). If you ever though about how to make money online by leveraging online tools, wonder no more!

The Canty Effect - My #1 Alternative

Seemingly, choosing a worthy work from home/online business can be a daunting task.

My #1 solution for making money online with affiliate marketing is 100% based on SEO scoring and content creation.

Moreover, I am creating content on my websites to assist users to both solve problems and answer questions.

WA offers an all-in-one solution to get the ball rolling. Novice to experienced skill levels are welcome.

Let’s start with WA’s Starter Level FREE 7-Day Trial to take a peek behind the curtain. For a detailed look checkout this WA Review.

In addition, you will receive a FREE SiteRubix Website through their subdomain. This website is only active through WA.

The Premium Level membership is the next tier offering an increased level of training, greater functionality, and access to the WA community.

Premium Plus, third level membership, offers unfettered access to all products and services available at WA.

The WA platform is beyond user-friendly for all users. Building a stable foundation requires a certain amount of knowledge.

No experience? No problem! No time for training? No problem! 

The WA classes and training start you at the beginning, step-by-step walkthrough.

All training module are self-paced to be completed at your leisure.

Live classes for the Premium and Premium Plus Levels are recorded for later access, if you cannot attend.

Learn More

Following best practices, it takes 12 – 36 months to achieve a modicum of success.

Factoring in:

  • your chosen niche, 
  • time committed, 
  • persistence 
  • patience

Build trustworthiness with your audience will take some time to accumulate a large enough following.

Creating content with value is easy work when following the training and using Jaaxy (Keyword Search Tool).

I never would have ever thought that I would be writing 1,500 word posts; however, I am starting to hit 3K words per post.

That could be you! 

Do not take my word for it, test it out for yourself. FREE never hurt anyone, on purpose anyway.

WA is the best course to learn about ins and outs of affiliate marketing.

If you are interested in beginning your journey, click the button below!

The Canty Effect - WA Banner

In Conclusion

So that concludes our review of Super Affiliate System Pro. This review offers my honest opinion and recommendation about Super Affiliate System Pro.

The Canty Effect - The End

Using Super Affiliate System Pro focuses on ads and ad generation for sale through affiliate networks for Google and YouTube. In addition, the course focuses very little, if at all, on content creation.

Relatively speaking, the content of the user’s website must be engaging enough to sell the audience on the help it claims to provide.

There are few affiliate success stories that consider the Super Affiliate Pro course worthwhile. Although you can build a successful online business using these techniques, that success may be short-lived.

Building your business and brand based on good ethical practices allows you to earn a healthy income.

Moreover, this review offers my opinion and recommendation about Super Affiliate System Pro as a whole.

Remember to do your own homework and thoroughly research your options.

Affiliate marketers are in business to sell something, including programs like this one. Seemingly, most who have enjoyed success came from selling this very product.

Trust me, wading through the garbage is harder the becoming an affiliate marketer.

We appreciate your taking the time to read our Super Affiliate System Pro Review.

And I close out by saying, we need what we need!

If we keep our minds right, we can keep our bodies tight!

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Join me and let us make sense of it all! We can do it together.

If you have not done so already, please read the previous topics to benefit from the information. 

Feel free to reach out in the space below. I welcome the opportunity to have a discussion with you.

The Canty Effect -

To your success and growth,


Founder of The Canty Effect

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