Best of the Best – 5 Impressive Super Affiliates

The Canty Effect - Best of the Best - 5 Impressive Super Affiliates

Best of the Best Top 5 Impressive Super Affiliates

  • Kyle & Carson (Wealthy Affiliate)
  • Missy Ward & Shawn Collins
  • Neil Patel
  • Pat Flynn
  • Zach Johnson

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Who are best of the best top 5 impressive super affiliates? What helps us choose a super affiliate to follow?

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There are tons of super affiliates all across the internet. Seemingly, selecting a super affiliate to follow can be a chore.

Most super affiliates subscribed to a variety of different techniques and systems to achieve their success.

We all have the potential to become an impressive super affiliates. Through a mountain of research, we can seek out reliable sources of information.

Going to the original source is the best means to obtain information. Many super affiliate will give you a peek behind the curtain.

Do not depend solely on reviews when selecting a mentor to follow. Do your own research to determine a worthy path that is parallel to your desires.

What Is A Super Affiliate?

Affiliate marketing is virtually an untapped fountain of wealth. For every 10K affiliate marketer startup, there is one super affiliate rising.

The Canty Effect - What Is A Super Affiliate?

Those digital marketer that have achieved success through multiple streams are the ones to watch.

The elevation of a super affiliate is not an overnight success story. For many, it took years of trial and error to achieve even a modest amount of success.

In the article by Xavier Santana, “How to Become a Super Affiliate in 10 Simple Steps,” the author provides instructions on the steps necessary to become a super affiliate.

Have skin in the game!

Patience, persistencee, and perspiration make an unbeatable combination for successs.”

Napoleon Hill

Those steps are:

  1. Never Be Passive – You need to be an active participant in working to become a great affiliate
  2. Learn From Others – Take the time to learn from those who’ve achieved what you want to achieve
  3. Prioritize Your Financial Goals – Consider what you’ll need to invest in to become a successful affiliate
  4. Be Creative – You have to have the creativity and skills to stand out above the competition
  5. Love the Process – Enjoy what you are doing for added success
  6. Find Your Niche – Focus your efforts on one or two niches
  7. Make Sure Your Niche Has Substance – Use tools such as your creativity to become competitive in a niche with potential for growth
  8. Use Emails to Retain Customers – An email list is a great way to turn customers into repeat customers
  9. Stay Consistent – Be persistent to be a great affiliate
  10. Believe in Yourself – Your mind and thoughts are your most powerful tool 

Having a viable plan is key to becoming a super affiliate.

As you progress, be willing to make changes and adapt to unforeseen situations.

Remaining fluid can throughout the process will allow you to quickly recover from setback, as well as, allow you to expand outward when necessary.

Let’s take a look at 5 impressive super affiliates that have a big influence on the market.

Kyle & Carson (Wealthy Affiliate)

The Canty Effect - Kyle & Carson (Wealthy Affiliate)

Co-founders, Kyle & Carson, have successfully created one of the largest, if not the largest, affiliate marketing (Wealthy Affiliate) platforms available.

Coming in with an estimated 2.5 million members with in its community. Full disclosure, I am one of said members.

Kyle & Carson started Wealthy Affiliate (WA) in 2005 after successful runs in online endeavors.

With their new found mission being to help others achieve their level of online success, WA was born. 

They began working towards creating a system that would influence widespread success among the WA community members.

In my opinion, the platform is nothing short of spectacular. Their concept of a one-stop-shop provides everything an affiliate marketer requires to grow their dreams.

I joined the program in July, 2021; therefore, you will not read any tales of mad money from me.

Nevertheless, I have rubbed elbows with several platform superstars like Kyle and Carson, Jay Neill, Eric Cantu, and Mike Beatty.

There are tons more affiliates that have earned a spot on the list. Each day numerous milestones are achieved.

WA is a unique platform in a number of ways. The training and classes are ongoing and never stop improving.

The library for one to better themselves and learn new things is massive.

WA offers Web hosting, website building, domain registration, and a community of affiliate who support one another 24/7.

The platform offers its members a path to success with one request in return, that they put in the work to achieve their goals.

In addition, the platform has approximately 2K expert coaches that help members for free.

Missy Ward & Shawn Collins (Affiliate Summit)

The Canty Effect - Missy Ward & Shawn Collins (Affilate Summit)

Missy Ward & Shawn Collins co-founded Affiliate Summit in 2003 to provide educational sessions on the latest industry issues.

In addition, fostering a productive networking environment for affiliate marketers.

The Affiliate Summit Inc. brand has expanded to incorporate Affiliate Summit Social Events, Performance Marketing Summit, FeedFront Magazine,,, and

Missy Ward has been active in the affiliate marketing game since 1999. 

As an Author, she has amassed a huge following as her book “Make Money With Your WordPress Blog

Shawn Collins first became active in affiliate marketing in 1997. 

Collins’ book, ‘Successful Affiliate Marketing for Merchants‘ is the best selling book in the affiliate marketing world, and affiliate managers considers it to be required reading.

As a work-from-home mom, Ward is a wine-enthusiast, and an active fundraiser for beast cancer research, treatment, and community programs for charity.

Ward and Collins entered their first venture together in 2003, Affiliate Summit Corporation.

Their goal was to provided educational sessions on the latest industry issues and fostering a productive networking environment for affiliate marketers.

The Affiliate Summit program allows affiliates to earn 15% of every paid attendee registration referred.

Neil Patel

The Canty Effect - Neil Patel

Neil Patel is the CMO and Co-founder of Neil Patel Digital, a performance marketing agency built by marketers. 

Patel is 35 with an estimated net worth exceeds $30 Million.

This self-made millionaire earned his wealth from his online ventures such as KISSmetrics, Crazy Egg, his consulting gigs, and more.

Patel is mostly known for teaching digital marketers how to drive more traffic and grow their online businesses.

According to sources, Patel began his marketing journey in 2001, at age 16. 

He developed his first website and tried to get paid assistance from a few marketing firms to help expand it.

After a bad experience, Patel became a self-taught marketer where he achieved great deal of success with online commerce.

In addition, Patel became an accomplished author in 2016. His book, ‘Hustle: The Power to Charge Your Life with Money, Meaning, and Momentum‘, hit the New York Times bestseller list.

The message of Patel’s book looked to change readers attitude towards working and making money.

As a result of his efforts, he was named as one of the top 100 entrepreneurs under the age of 30 by then-President Barack Obama.

Become A Super Affiliate!

Pat Flynn

The Canty Effect - Pat Flynn

Pat Flynn, Founder and CEO, Smart Passive Income, got his start in 2008 after being laid off as an architect.

Flynn is a father, husband, and entrepreneur who lives and works in San Diego, CA. 

As of December, 2021, Flynn’s net worth is over $2 million and growing.

Flynn made it his goal to inspire those around him and share the lessons and happiness that he enjoys.

According to Anil Agarwal, Flynn stands behind his 10 Incredible Lessons to Build A Successful Online Business.

In addition, Flynn has a featured YouTube channel, that sports 331K subscribers. He covers a wide range of topics from Podcasting to Passive Income Models.

Flynn offers his 5+ hour ‘Let’s Start An Online Business’ series for free through his channel.

As an accomplished author, Flynn has several best sellers – Superfans, Will It Fly, and Let Go.

Flynn exclaims “I write books that inspire people like you to take action. Step-by-step, win-by-win.”

If you do what you have always done, you will always get what you deserve.”

Tony Robbins

Zach Johnson

The Canty Effect - Zach Johnson

Zach Johnson  has been making money online for more than 20 years and blogging since 2007.

Johnson launched in 2012 o make the process of starting a blog extremely simple and easy for anyone to follow.

He considers himself the ‘real deal’,, compared to the gurus and experts who repackage and sell the same old information.

According to internet sources, Johnson earns an estimated $100,00 per year from affiliate marketing.

He is most notable for his “The Complete Guide To Affiliate Marketing & Blogging” course.

Johnson says that launching his own product has been totally different than affiliate marketing.

The responsibilities including worrying about sales, landing pages, transactions, customers, product, customer support and posting are now on you.

According to Johnson’s website, “This course was created to walk you through the process step-by-step while making it a visual and exercise-based experience in the process.”

Interested marketers can enroll in the course directly on Johnson’s website.

In addition, Johnson offers an open invitation for blogger to contact him and he will take a look at their website.

In Conclusion

The Canty Effect - The End

Affiliate marketing has no shortage of super affiliates around the world.

Although the success for each varies and depend upon their own personal criteria, daily they all make more money teaching others to do what they do.

According to each the the super affiliate detailed above, super affiliate is an achievable title.

The common equation across the board is hard work, dedication, persistence and patience.

Contrary to the training methods and content, there is no ‘get rich quick’ path. Even though the journey can be shortened, it requires much work.

With Wealthy Affiliate, Kyle & Carson, offer one of the largest affiliate marketing platforms. Their program is an all-inclusive one-stop shop.

Missy Ward & Shawn Collins have taken Affiliate Summit to new heights and show no sign of stopping anytime soon.

Their books are commitment intensive if you have the desire to achieve. Between the two, there a number of titles to choose from.

Neil Patel is definitely a industry leader. This self-made millionaire is continually expanding his reach.

An affiliate marketer could not go wrong by following Patel’s lead.

Pat Flynn is another super affiliate to follow. He gives away more advice and help t affiliate marketers than he sells.

He is a raising star for affiliate marketers to watch. His teachings will elevate many to super affiliate status.

Zach ‘The Real Deal’ Johnson got his start in the 90s and has made his mark on the industry.

His free online training, tutorials, and case studies are second to none.

An aspiring affiliate marketer should definitely follow one or more of these influencers.

And I close out by saying, we need what we need!

If we keep our minds right, we can keep our bodies tight!

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If you have not done so already, please read the previous topics to benefit from the information. 

Feel free to reach out in the space below. I welcome the opportunity to have a discussion with you.

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To your success and growth,


Founder of The Canty Effect

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